
Eten, Drinken en Serveren van Voedsel - Op dieet zijn

Hier leert u enkele Engelse woorden die verband houden met diëten, zoals "calorie", "veganistisch" en "diëtist".









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Words Related to Eating, Drinking, and Serving
to diet

to eat small amounts or particular kinds of food, especially to lose weight

diabetic diet

a specific eating plan tailored to manage blood glucose levels in individuals with diabetes

diabetes dieet

diabetes dieet

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spoon food

a diet that primarily consists of soft or liquid food, often consumed with a spoon, suitable for individuals with difficulty chewing or swallowing

lepel eten

lepel eten

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soft diet

a diet consisting of easily chewed and digested food, often recommended for individuals with dental issues, post-surgery, or difficulty swallowing

zacht dieet

zacht dieet

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staple diet

the basic and commonly consumed foods that make up the majority of a person or animal's diet

hoofdbestanddeel van het dieet

hoofdbestanddeel van het dieet

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macrobiotic diet

a diet emphasizing whole grains, fruits, and vegetables while avoiding processed and refined foods

macrobiotisch dieet

macrobiotisch dieet

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clean eating

a type of diet in which one avoids eating processed food to become healthier

gezond voedsel eten

gezond voedsel eten

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the unit used to measure the amount of energy that a food produces



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balanced diet

a diet that includes a variety of foods in appropriate proportions to meet nutritional needs and promote overall health

gebalanceerd dieet

gebalanceerd dieet

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the feeling of wanting food

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a substance such as a vitamin, protein, fat, etc. that is essential for good health and growth



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body mass index

a numerical measure of an individual's body fat based on their weight and height, often used to assess and categorize body weight in relation to health

body mass index

body mass index

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[zelfstandig naamwoord]

someone who avoids eating meat or fish

vegetarisch persoon

vegetarisch persoon

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someone who does not eat fish, eggs, or meat, but consumes dairy products



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someone who does not consume or use anything that is produced from animals, such as meat, milk, or eggs



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a person who abstains from consuming meat but still includes fish and other seafood in their diet



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a person who primarily follows a plant-based diet but occasionally includes meat or other animal products in their meals



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a person who primarily consumes fruits, nuts, seeds, and other plant-based foods



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someone who is an expert in the field of diet and nutrition



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low-carb diet

a diet that limits the consumption of carbohydrates, particularly those found in grains and sugary foods

dieet met weinig koolhydraten

dieet met weinig koolhydraten

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low-fat diet

a diet that restricts and reduces the consumption of foods high in fats

vetarm dieet

vetarm dieet

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gluten-free diet

a diet that stops the consumption of gluten altogether

gluten vrij dieet

gluten vrij dieet

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low-calorie diet

a diet that restricts the intake of calories, often with the goal of weight loss or improving overall health

caloriearm dieet

caloriearm dieet

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fad diet

a diet that gains sudden popularity and often promises rapid weight loss through unconventional methods, but may lack scientific support or long-term effectiveness

rage dieet

rage dieet

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the Atkins Diet

a diet plan which is high in protein and fat but very low in carbohydrates, developed by Dr. Robert Atkins



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high-vitamin diet

a diet that prioritizes foods rich in vitamins, with the goal of maintaining optimal health and preventing nutritional deficiencies

dieet met veel vitamines

dieet met veel vitamines

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vitamin-deficiency diet

a diet specifically designed to address and correct deficiencies in essential vitamins

dieet met vitaminetekort

dieet met vitaminetekort

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high-protein diet

a diet that emphasizes increased intake of protein-rich foods to support muscle growth, repair, and overall bodily functions

eiwitrijk dieet

eiwitrijk dieet

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light diet

a diet that emphasizes low-calorie and easily digestible foods, often chosen for weight management, digestive comfort, or specific health conditions

licht dieet

licht dieet

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liquid diet

a diet composed entirely or primarily of liquids, often used for medical reasons, weight loss, or digestive rest

vloeibaar dieet

vloeibaar dieet

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low-salt diet

a diet that restricts the intake of salt, often recommended for individuals with hypertension or other health conditions

zoutarm dieet

zoutarm dieet

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reducing diet

a diet focused on reducing overall calorie intake for the purpose of weight loss or management



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salt-free diet

a diet that completely eliminates or significantly restricts the intake of salt, often recommended for individuals with specific health conditions such as hypertension or kidney problems

zoutvrij dieet

zoutvrij dieet

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ulcer diet

a diet that involves avoiding or minimizing foods and beverages that can irritate or worsen stomach ulcers, typically focusing on mild, easily digestible foods

maagzweer dieet

maagzweer dieet

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5:2 diet

a diet where a person eats normally for five days a week and restricts their calorie intake for the other two days

5:2 dieet

5:2 dieet

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crash diet

a short-term, drastic and restrictive diet that is usually aimed at rapid weight loss but may not be sustainable or healthy in the long term

crash dieet

crash dieet

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to fast

to completely or partially avoid eating or drinking for a period of time, especially because of religious reasons



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fat farm

a facility or program that offers structured activities, fitness routines, and nutritional guidance to help individuals achieve weight loss and overall wellness

dikke boerderij

dikke boerderij

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paleo diet

a dietary plan that emulates the eating habits of early humans by focusing on whole, unprocessed foods

paleo dieet

paleo dieet

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(of a diet or food) completely or mainly consisting of plants



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[bijvoeglijk naamwoord]
starvation diet

a type of diet that involves severe caloric restriction or prolonged periods of fasting, often with the goal of rapid weight loss

honger dieet

honger dieet

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Cambridge diet

a weight loss program that involves consuming low-calorie meal replacement products to achieve rapid weight loss



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