
食べる、飲む、そして料理を提供する - Drinking










Words Related to Eating, Drinking, and Serving
to quench

to satisfy one's thirst

渇きを癒す, 鎮める

渇きを癒す, 鎮める

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to imbibe

to consume or absorb liquids, especially beverages

飲む, 吸収する

飲む, 吸収する

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to drink down

to consume a liquid by swallowing it quickly, often finishing the entire drink in one gulp

一気に飲む, 飲み干す

一気に飲む, 飲み干す

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to drink

to put water, coffee, or other type of liquid inside of our body through our mouth

飲む, 飲み込む

飲む, 飲み込む

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to drink up

to consume the entire contents of a glass, bottle, or other container that holds a beverage

飲み干す, 全部飲む

飲み干す, 全部飲む

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to drain

to empty or remove liquid from a container or area

排水する, 空にする

排水する, 空にする

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to chug

to consume a beverage, usually a carbonated or alcoholic one, quickly and in large gulps

一気に飲む, がぶ飲みする

一気に飲む, がぶ飲みする

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to drink to

to drink in honor of someone or something as a sign of respect, celebration, or good wishes

〜のために乾杯する, 〜を祝うために飲む

〜のために乾杯する, 〜を祝うために飲む

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to glug

to pour a drink in a way that makes a funny sound

グルグルと注ぐ, 音を立てて注ぐ

グルグルと注ぐ, 音を立てて注ぐ

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to gulp

to swallow quickly or greedily, often in one swift motion

飲み込む, ゴクリと飲む

飲み込む, ゴクリと飲む

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to neck

to drink alcohol quickly or eagerly

一気飲みする, ぐいっと飲む

一気飲みする, ぐいっと飲む

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to nurse

to sip or drink a beverage slowly or gently

少しずつ飲む, ゆっくり飲む

少しずつ飲む, ゆっくり飲む

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to quaff

to drink a large quantity of a liquid in a hearty, enthusiastic manner

豪快に飲む, 心ゆくまで飲む

豪快に飲む, 心ゆくまで飲む

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to sip

to drink a liquid by taking a small amount each time

一口飲む, すする

一口飲む, すする

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to slurp

to eat or drink noisily by inhaling a liquid or soft food, such as soup or noodles, often with a distinctive, impolite sound

すする, ズルズル音を立てて食べる

すする, ズルズル音を立てて食べる

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to swig

to drink something in one large gulp or swallow

飲み干す, ごくごく飲む

飲み干す, ごくごく飲む

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to toss back

to drink a beverage quickly, often in a casual or informal manner

一気に飲む, 勢いよく飲む

一気に飲む, 勢いよく飲む

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to wash down

to drink a beverage after a meal to help swallow and digest the food

飲み込む, 口に入れる

飲み込む, 口に入れる

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the state of having a dry mouth and needing water or other drinks



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wanting or needing a drink

喉が渇いた, 飲みたい

喉が渇いた, 飲みたい

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