Eten, Drinken en Serveren van Voedsel - Smaken en smaken
Hier leert u enkele Engelse woorden die verband houden met smaken en aroma's, zoals "zuurheid", "umami" en "nootachtig".
the sharp or tangy flavor often associated with acidic or tart substances

zuurheid, smaakzuur

the characteristic taste sensation associated with the presence of salt in food

zoutigheid, zoute smaak

the sharp and unpleasant taste often found in coffee, dark chocolate, or certain vegetables

bitterheid, bitterigheid

a taste that is not sour, bitter, salty, or sweet, found in some foods such as meat, etc.


the strong, sharp taste or sensation often associated with spicy or intensely flavored foods

scherpte, pittigheid

the quality of having a strong or fiery taste due to the presence of spices or chili peppers

kruidigheid, heetheid

a refreshing, mild, or soothing sensation in the mouth, often associated with mint, menthol, or cucumber

koelte, verfrissend gevoel

the dry, puckering, or rough sensation experienced in the mouth, often caused by substances like tannins in tea or unripe fruits

samentrekkendheid, samentrekkend

a taste, aroma, or sensation resembling that of metal such as certain medicines or amalgam dental fillings

metaalkarakter, metaalsmaak

(of flavour) tangy and sour, often due to the presence of acid

zuur, scherp

having a taste that is a blend of both bitter and sweet flavors

bitterzoet, zoetbitter

describing water that is slightly salty, typically where freshwater mixes with seawater

brak, brackish

(of food) having a spicy or peppery flavor that causes a burning sensation in the mouth

pikant, heet

(of food) flavored with spices, herbs, or other ingredients to improve its taste and smell

gekruid, geassorteerd

describing a flavor that is intense and tangy, often with a biting or pungent quality

scherp, kruidig

having a strong taste that gives your mouth a pleasant burning feeling

kruidig, pikant

(of food) cooked in a way that tastes both sweet and sour

zoetzuur, zoet en zuur

characterized by a taste that is somewhat sweet but not overwhelmingly so

lichtzoet, enigszins zoet

a sharp and distinctive taste, typically associated with acidity or a lively and refreshing quality

een scherpe smaak, een kenmerkende smaak

the distinctive and enjoyable taste or aroma of food or drink

smaak, aroma

the intense taste experience of food, particularly characterized by a sharp or strong flavor

intense smaak, scherpe smaak

the lingering flavor that remains in the mouth after eating or drinking something

naberuchte, nasmaak

a unique taste sensation that is attributed to the perception of fats or lipids in food

oleogustus, smaakervaring van vetten

an individual who has a heightened sense of taste and is more sensitive to the flavors and sensations in food and beverages

superproever, superproeveres

something that one dislikes first but starts to like it with the passage of time

aangeleerde smaak, verworven smaak

having characteristics of soil or the earth, often associated with flavors such as mushrooms, root vegetables, or certain types of wine

aards, landelijk

having a sweet, fresh, or juicy taste or smell associated with various types of fruits

vruchtig, fruitig

having a taste or aroma reminiscent of nuts, often rich, earthy, and slightly sweet

nootachtig, notig

containing a high amount of fat, sugar, or other indulgent ingredients

rijk, heerlijk

having a sharp, refreshing taste with a slight sourness or acidity

pikant, zuur

having a taste or aroma resembling yeast, often found in bread, beer, or other fermented foods

gistachtig, met gist smaak

(of food) having a sharp, strong, and refreshing taste

kruidig, verfrissend