Książka Headway - Średnio zaawansowany wyższy - Jednostka 9
Tutaj znajdziesz słownictwo z rozdziału 9 z podręcznika Headway Upper Intermediate, takie jak „homonim”, „bank on”, „nieskazitelny” itp.
each of two or more words with the same spelling or pronunciation that vary in meaning and origin


(grammar) one of two or more words with the same pronunciation that differ in meaning, spelling or origin


the direction or side that is toward the east when someone or something is facing north


an electric device with blades that rotate quickly and keep an area cool

wentylator, wiatrak

a pair of lenses set in a frame that rests on the nose and ears, which we wear to see more clearly


a large public place in a town or a city that has grass and trees and people go to for walking, playing, and relaxing

park, teren zielony

a financial institution that keeps and lends money and provides other financial services


a jacket with a pair of pants or a skirt that are made from the same cloth and should be worn together

garsonka, kostium

a class or group of people or things that have common characteristics or share particular qualities

typ, kategoria

a group of people or things that have similar characteristics or share particular qualities

rodzaj, typ

the most important thing that is said or done which highlights the purpose of something

kluczowy punkt, istotny punkt

a series of connected carriages that travel on a railroad, often pulled by a locomotive

pociąg, wagon

to move a boat or other watercraft through water using oars or paddles

wiosłować, płynąć

a fine powder made by crushing wheat or other grains, used for making bread, cakes, pasta, etc.


the total amount of income a company, store, etc. makes from the sales of goods or services over a specific period of time

sprzedaż, dochody

tired and unhappy because there is nothing to do or because we are no longer interested in something

znudzony, niezainteresowany

a set of two matching items that are designed to be used together or regarded as one


the part of the body between the ribs and hips, which is usually narrower than the parts mentioned

talia, pas

to make letters, words, or numbers on a surface, usually on a piece of paper, with a pen or pencil

pisać, zapisać

a specific day in a month or sometimes a year, shown using a number and sometimes a name


healthy and strong, especially due to regular physical exercise or balanced diet

sprawny, zdrowy

the salt water that covers most of the earth’s surface and surrounds its continents and islands


a type of dress with no sleeves, often worn over a blouse or shirt

fartuch, sukienka bez rękawów

a person who earns money to support their family, typically the main or sole provider of income

żywiciel, gospodarz

sharing similar opinions, beliefs, interests, or attitudes on a particular subject or issue

pokrewny myślom, zgodny z poglądami

the period of time when two people are getting to know each other romantically with the intention of getting married

zaloty, narzeczeństwo

an item of clothing for the top half of one's body, traditionally worn by men, that is tight fitting, sleeveless, collarless, with buttons in the front, and worn usually under a jacket and over a shirt

kamizelka, kamizelka formalna

a cupboard or small room, often next to kitchen, used for keeping food in

spiżarnia, kotłownia

a collection of things, particularly electronic machines or devices, such as washing machines, microwaves, etc. in a home that can make ordinary jobs be done with ease

współczesne wygody, urządzenia gospodarstwa domowego