
Relacje Międzyludzkie - Rodzina

Odkryj, jak angielskie przysłowia, takie jak „dzieci są bogactwem biednych ludzi” i „krew jest gęstsza niż woda”, opisują rodzinę w języku angielskim.







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Human Relationships
blood is thicker than water 

used to suggest that family bonds are stronger and more significant than other relationships, indicating that familial ties should be prioritized over friendships or other associations

the apple fall far from the tree

used to highlight the notion that children often share similarities or traits with their parents or family members

jabłko spada daleko od jabłoni

jabłko spada daleko od jabłoni

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a bad tree does not yield good apples

used to imply that bad parents are unlikely to raise good children

złe drzewo nie rodzi dobrych jabłek

złe drzewo nie rodzi dobrych jabłek

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children are certain cares but uncertain comforts

used to imply that while raising children can bring happiness, it also brings a lot of responsibilities and worries

dzieci to pewne troski, ale niepewne wygody

dzieci to pewne troski, ale niepewne wygody

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children are poor men's riches

used to imply that poor men may lack material riches, but they can still find emotional fulfillment and pride in their children's accomplishments

happy is he that is happy in his children

used to suggest that a parent's joy is not in their own achievements or possessions but in the well-being and happiness of their children

szczęśliwy jest ten, kto jest szczęśliwy w swoich dzieciach

szczęśliwy jest ten, kto jest szczęśliwy w swoich dzieciach

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it is a wise child that knows its own father

used to suggest that one should make an effort to learn about one's roots and history in order to be wise

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