Phrasal Verbs z Użyciem 'Up' - Stawianie czoła, pozwalanie lub ograniczanie
to face challenges with a positive attitude
wytrzymać, stawić czoła
to soften one's approach by becoming more understanding
zluznić podejście do, stać się bardziej wyrozumiałym
to confront and deal with a difficult or unpleasant situation directly and courageously
stawić czoła, zmierzyć się z
to make something available by removing restrictions or allowing it to be used for a different purpose
uwolnić, zwolnić
to make something available, possible, or reachable, often by creating new opportunities or access points
otwierać, umożliwiać
to make something much more strict or limited
zaostrzyć, uszczelnić
to refuse to accept an opportunity or offer
odmówić, przegapić
to tolerate something or someone unpleasant, often without complaining
znosić, tolerować
to encounter a problem or a difficult situation
napotkać na, spotkać się z
to courageously confront and resist someone or something, refusing to be controlled
stawić czoła, oprzeć się