Descrevendo Pessoas - Aparência física e estilo
Descubra como expressões idiomáticas em inglês como "virar cabeças" e "selvagem e lanoso" se relacionam com a aparência física e o estilo em inglês.
the most attractive or popular woman at a party, dance, or any other social event
to look very attractive, well-dressed, and stylish, as if one had spent a lot of money on their appearance
to attract a lot of interest or attention because of how great someone or something looks
used to describe someone who has tanned skin, due to prolonged exposure to the sunlight
used to refer to someone's hair
o orgulho do seu cabelo, a glória do seu cabelo
a person whose hair has a color between red and brown
topo de cenoura, cabelo avermelhado
a day on which one feels unattractive, particularly due to one's hair not looking as well as it should