Sucesso - A estrada para o sucesso
Domine expressões idiomáticas em inglês relacionadas ao caminho para o sucesso, como “in the running” e “gain ground”.
used to refer to a state or situation in which something is very close to being achieved
a list of experiences, achievements, or goals that a person wishes to accomplish or fulfill during their lifetime
lista de desejos, lista de coisas a fazer
to start something, especially in a successful way
to try to make something successful, often with a significant degree of effort or determination
the point in a process where theory, ideas, or plans are put into practice and tested for their effectiveness
used to say that the progress has been satisfactory up until this point
the start of something in a very favorable or promising way
um começo promissor, um início fulgurante
to be close to achieving success or popularity, but not quite there yet
the middle stage or point in a process of achieving a desired result
etapa intermediária, ponto médio
the most important part of something such as a project, task, etc.
in the process of progressing toward a particular goal