
Sukces - Droga do sukcesu

Opanuj angielskie idiomy dotyczące drogi do sukcesu, takie jak „w biegu” i „zdobyć grunt”.







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English idioms related to Success
in the running

having a chance to win or succeed, particularly in a competition

within striking distance

used to refer to a state or situation in which something is very close to being achieved

to gain ground

to achieve more success or popularity

bucket list

a list of experiences, achievements, or goals that a person wishes to accomplish or fulfill during their lifetime

lista marzeń, lista rzeczy do zrobienia

lista marzeń, lista rzeczy do zrobienia

Google Translate
from scratch

from the point at which something began

to get something off the ground

to start something, especially in a successful way

to make a go of something

to try to make something successful, often with a significant degree of effort or determination

where the rubber meet the road

the point in a process where theory, ideas, or plans are put into practice and tested for their effectiveness

so far so good

used to say that the progress has been satisfactory up until this point

flying start

the start of something in a very favorable or promising way

wyśmienity start, obiecujący początek

wyśmienity start, obiecujący początek

Google Translate
to be cooking with gas

to be doing very well or functioning effectively

to bubble under the radar

to be close to achieving success or popularity, but not quite there yet

halfway house

the middle stage or point in a process of achieving a desired result

etap pośredni, punkt średni

etap pośredni, punkt średni

Google Translate
to go places

to be making great progress

on the up and up

becoming increasingly successful with the passage of time

half the battle

the most important part of something such as a project, task, etc.

to make headway

to advance and make great progress in one's career or life

on course

likely to achieve something as expected

on the way to doing something

in the process of progressing toward a particular goal

on the right lines

in a manner that increases the chances of achieving success

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