Aparência - Descrevendo Looks Femininos
Aqui você aprenderá algumas palavras em inglês que descrevem a aparência feminina, como "encantadora", "sereia" e "deslumbrante".
an attractive and tempting woman who usually causes trouble for a man who is in relationship with her

femme fatale, mulher fatal

a woman who is adored, especially for her beauty or charm

deusa, divindade feminina

(especially of a woman) beautiful, with a tall elegant figure

estatuária, elegante

(especially of a woman) having a pleasant and attractive appearance

formoso, atraente

an attractive English girl who has fair skin and rosy cheeks, without wearing much makeup

rosa inglesa, garota inglesa atraente

seductive or alluring woman who uses her charm or attractiveness to entice or lure others, often in a mysterious or dangerous way

tentadora, sedutora

an attractive thin girl who looks boyish in a pleasant way

gamine, garota magra com aparência andrógina

a person, especially a woman, who is sexually attractive and pleasant to the sight

beldade, musa

someone, especially a woman, who is considered to be vey attractive

bela, mulher atraente

a female model on a magazine cover or other promotional material

modelo de capa, garota da capa

a young attractive woman who marries an older man with a high status and as a symbol of his success

esposa troféu, mulher-troféu

a young woman who is seductive and sexually attractive, often portrayed in a playful or provocative manner

gatinha sexy, mulher sedutora

a young girl who is sexually precocious or alluring, often portrayed in literature or media


a woman with superficial attractiveness who lacks intelligence or character

boneca Barbie, mulher superficial

a young attractive woman who lacks intelligence

bimbo, mulher atraente e sem inteligência