Adjective de Atribute Abstracte - Adjective de certitudine
Aceste adjective ne permit să exprimăm prezența sau absența îndoielii cu privire la adevărul, validitatea sau rezultatul unei afirmații, fapte sau situații
Fișe de studiu
having a definite feeling or knowledge about something without specifying it explicitly
certo, anume
(of a person) uncertain or hesitant about something
dubitabil, incert
bound to happen in a way that is impossible to avoid or prevent
inevitabil, inevitabilitate
providing clear and final evidence or proof, leaving no doubt or uncertainty
concluziv, decisiv
clearly true therefore leaving no room for disagreement or denial
indiscutabil, incontestabil
so clear or convincing that it cannot be reasonably disputed or denied
clearly true and therefore impossible to deny or question
indiscutabil, inevitabil
accepted as true or genuine, without any doubt or disagreement
indiscutabil, fără îndoială
clearly identifiable and impossible to confuse with anything else
inconfundabil, necontestat
based on a suggested idea or theory and not necessarily true or proven
hipotetic, presupus
doubtful or uncertain in terms of quality, reliability, or legitimacy
îndoielnic, șubred
according to opinions or guesses instead of facts or evidence
speculativ, ipotetic
(of a person) unsure or hesitant about the credibility or goodness of something
dudor, incert
unclear or uncertain because of the involvement of many different opinions or perspectives
discutabil, controversat
not firmly established or decided, with the possibility of changes in the future
provizoriu, preliminar
having a feeling of uncertainty or doubt toward something
neclar, doubtios
not producing a clear result or decision
inconclus, neconcludent
not settled or decided and so open to discussion or debate
nerezolvat, discutabil
depending on certain conditions or factors, making something possible to occur but not certain
condiționat, dependent
assured or promised with certainty that something will happen or be done
garantat, asigurat
completely certain and beyond question
indubitabil, fără îndoială
temporarily set or accepted until a final decision is made
provizoriu, temporar