Adjective de Atribute Abstracte - Adjective de corectitudine
Aceste adjective descriu acuratețea, precizia sau aderarea la adevărul sau standardele a ceva, transmitând atribute precum „corect”, „exact”, etc.
Fișe de studiu
(of measurements, information, etc.) free from errors and matching facts

exact, precis

(of an argument, idea, etc.) having a strong logical foundation or reasoning

vali, fundamentat

not legally or officially acceptable or recognized anymore due to a change in circumstances or conditions

inválid, nevalabil

used to describe actions or events that are not going as expected or planned

strâmb, greșit

able to be proven or confirmed as true or accurate through evidence or reliable sources

verificabil, confirmabil

so clear or convincing that it cannot be reasonably disputed or denied
