Adverbe de Rezultat și Punct de Vedere - Adverbe ale punctelor de vedere personale
Aceste adverbe evidențiază faptul că opiniile cuiva se bazează mai degrabă pe punctul de vedere personal decât pe fapt sau adevăr, cum ar fi „personal”, „din fericire”, „ideal”, etc.
Fișe de studiu
used to express that something positive or favorable has happened or is happening by chance

din fericire, norocos

used to express that a positive outcome or situation occurred by chance

din fericire, noroc

used to express relief or appreciation for a positive circumstance or outcome

din fericire, mulțumesc că

in a way that arouses one's curiosity or attention

interesant, în mod interesant

in a way that shows a liking or a priority for something over others

preferabil, mai bine

in a manner choosing one option over another based on a preference or tendency

preferențial, în mod preferențial

in a way that is likely to be remembered easily

într-un mod memorabil, într-o manieră de neuitat

used to show that the opinion someone is giving comes from their own viewpoint

personal, în mod personal

used to emphasize that one is being sincere and telling the truth, especially when the thing being said sounds surprising

onest, cinstit

used to say that the something is believed to be true based on available information or evidence

presupus că, probabil

used to discuss something based on assumptions, rather than proven facts or reality

hipotetic, teoretic

used to express regret or say that something is disappointing or sad

din păcate, nefericit

in a manner that shows one's disapproval of someone or something

critic, în mod critic

in a manner expressing sorrow, disappointment, or a sense of apology

din păcate, cu regret

in a way that shows one believes people are mainly motivated by selfish interestsand often indicating a lack of trust or sincerity

cinic, în mod cinic

used to convey that a statement can be supported with reasons or evidence

probabil, fără îndoială

used to suggest that something is assumed to be true, often with a hint of doubt

presupus, se spune că