a traditional method of catching flatfish by treading on them in shallow coastal water

pescuit cu tălpile, prindere prin călcare

the technique of manually collecting or catching fish or other aquatic creatures

colectare manuală, prindere manuală

the practice of catching fish, typically catfish, using bare hands in sport fishing

prinderea peștilor cu mâna, noodling

a fishing technique where anglers target fish that dwell near the seabed

pescuit la fund, pescuit pe fund

a fishing technique where one or more fishing lines with baited hooks or lures are drawn through the water behind a moving boat

trolling, pescuit la trolling

a method of angling using an artificial fly as bait, typically cast with a specialized fly rod and line

prinderea pește cu muscă, pescuit cu muscă

the act of throwing a fishing line with a baited lure into the water

aruncare, casting

the practice of hunting fish underwater using a spear or similar device

pesca subacvatică, vânătoare subacvatică

a method of fishing where fish are shot with specialized archery equipment

pescuit cu arcul, pescuit cu săgeată

a technique in sport fishing that involves using a spinning reel to cast and retrieve a lure or bait

pescuit la spinning, spinning

a fishing technique using a baitcasting reel mounted on top of a casting rod

baitcasting, tehnica de pescuit cu baitcasting

a fishing technique involving the use of a weighted lure or bait that is jerked up and down in the water to attract fish

jigging, pescuit jig

a technique in sport fishing where a lure resembling injured prey is jerked or twitched to attract predatory fish

jerkbaiting, tehnica jerkbait

a technique in sport fishing where lures or baits are worked on the water's surface to attract fish

pescuit pe suprafață, pescuit de suprafață

the activity or sport of catching fish through holes cut into frozen bodies of water

pescuit pe gheață, pescuit la gheață

(sport fishing) the practice of scattering bait in the water to attract fish

momeală, atragere

a long, flexible pole typically made of fiberglass, graphite, or a composite material, designed for use in sport fishing

băț de pescuit, undită

a device used for deploying and retrieving fishing line

toarcă de pescuit, reel de pescuit

a setup of fishing tackle including hooks, sinkers, and bait or lures, designed to catch fish effectively

set de pescuit, montaj

a tool used in fishing to thrust or throw at fish underwater to catch them, typically consisting of a sharp point attached to a long handle

harpon, suliță

a type of fishing rod designed for use with spinning reels

băț de spinning, carp rod spinning