250 Vanligaste Engelska Partikelverb - Topp 1 - 25 frasala verb
Här får du del 1 av listan över de vanligaste frasverben på engelska som "gå vidare", "söka efter" och "finna ut".
to take the necessary action regarding someone or something specific
hantera, ta itu med
to get information about something after actively trying to do so
ta reda på, upptäcka
to leave a hotel after returning your room key and paying the bill
checka ut, lämna hotellet
to begin participating in, learning about, and developing a strong interest or passion for a particular activity, hobby, or topic
engagera sig i, börja intressera sig för
to initiate an action or task, particularly when someone has granted permission or in spite of doubts or opposition
fortsätta, gå vidare
to move toward someone, usually in order to talk to them
komma fram, närma sig
to establish a fresh entity, such as a company, system, or organization
skapa, etablera
to change from being a child into an adult little by little
växa upp, bli vuxen
to arrive at an event or appointment where one is expected
dyka upp, komma
to eventually reach or find oneself in a particular place, situation, or condition, often unexpectedly or as a result of circumstances
hamna, sluta
to be connected to or about a particular subject
relatera till, ha samband med
to have a connection with a particular person or thing
referera till, anknyta till
to tell someone to wait or pause what they are doing momentarily
vänta, hålla