
Beskriva Kvaliteter - Kompatibilitet och Inkompatibilitet

Upptäck hur engelska idiom som "at cross purposes" och "fly in the teeth of" relaterar till kompatibilitet och inkompatibilitet på engelska.







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English Idioms used to Describe Qualities
at cross purposes

used to describe a situation in which people or groups have conflicting goals or intentions

när människor eller grupper har motstridiga mål eller avsikter

när människor eller grupper har motstridiga mål eller avsikter

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on (a) par with sb/sth

used to convey that a person or thing is on the same level as someone or something else

i paritet med någon eller något

i paritet med någon eller något

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out of place

not suitable for a particular situation



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out of context

used of a statement or remark that is quoted in an incomplete or inaccurate way, often to the point that makes it hard to understand if not misunderstood

ur sitt sammanhang

ur sitt sammanhang

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at odds

(with reference to two things) in contrast to each other instead of correspondence

när två saker står i kontrast

när två saker står i kontrast

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out of step with sb/sth

having ideas or beliefs that are in conflict with those of other people

har motstridiga åsikter

har motstridiga åsikter

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to fly in the teeth of sth

to be in complete disagreement with something

vara emot något

vara emot något

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to lend oneself to sth

to be easily used or adapted for a particular purpose or activity

låna sig till något

låna sig till något

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out of whack

not corresponding to or agreeing with something else

ur balans

ur balans

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strange bedfellows

two people or things that form a very good but strange combination with one another

obalanserad sammansättning

obalanserad sammansättning

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