Grundläggande Substantiv - Former
Här lär du dig engelska substantiv relaterade till former, som "oval," "sfär," och "trapez."
a shape with four equal straight sides and four right angles, each measuring 90°


(geometry) a flat shape consisting of three straight sides and three angles


(geometry) a flat shape with four right angles, especially one with opposing sides that are equal and parallel to each other

rektangel, rektangulär

a shape with four equal, sloping straight sides, forming a point at the top and another at the bottom

romb, diamanter

(geometry) a round object that every point on its surface has the same distance from its center

sphär, boll

(geometry) a solid or hollow shape with two circular bases at each end and straight parallel sides


(geometry) a three dimensional shape with a circular base that rises to a single point


a solid object with a square base and four triangular sides joined to a point on the top


a three-dimensional geometric shape with six rectangular faces, resembling a box or a rectangular prism

kuboid, rektangulärt prisma

(geometry) a solid figure with flat sides and two parallel ends of the same size and shape


(geometry) any flat shape with four straight sides, the opposite sides of which are equal and parallel to each other


a curved shape with narrow points at the ends that appears wider in the middle, like the shape of the moon in its first and last quarters

halvmåne, crescentform

(geometry) a curved shape or design that gradually winds around a center or axis


a flat geometric shape consisting of three straight sides and one right angle

rätvinklig triangel, triangel med rät vinkel

(geometry) a figure with four sides and two opposite angles more than 90° and two of less than 90°

romb, diamanth

(geometry) a round 3D shape like a ball that is slightly flattened at the top and bottom points

spheroid, ellipsoid

a seven-sided plane shape consisting of seven line segments or edges that meet at seven interior angles


(geometry) a polygon consisting of eight straight sides and eight angles


(geometry) a flat shape consisting of nine straight sides and nine angles


(geometry) a flat star-shaped figure with six points that can be formed by making equilateral triangles on each side of a regular hexagon

hexagram, sexuddig stjärna

(geometry) a shape that consists of a line alternating its direction to left and right

zickzack, zickzack (i geometri)

(geometry) a flat figure consisting of eleven straight sides and eleven angles


(geometry) a flat figure that consists of twelve sides and twelve angles


a rectangular figure that has unequal adjacent sides with arched angles

oblong,avlång rektangel, round-edged rectangle

a solid shape resembling a donut or ring, made by spinning a circle around a line that does not cut through the circle

torus, ring