B2 Düzeyi Kelime Listesi - Aşk
Burada B2 öğrencileri için hazırlanmış "tapılası", "sevgili", "kararlı" vb. gibi aşk ve romantizmle ilgili bazı İngilizce kelimeleri öğreneceksiniz.
Gözden Geçir
Flash kartlar
incredibly cute or charming, often causing feelings of affection, delight, or admiration
çok güzel ve sevimli
very popular or cherished among a specific group of people
sevilmiş, çok sevilen
filled with joy, often as a result of experiencing something magical or captivating
affected by love in a way that causes one to act or think unclearly
kara sevdalı
a person whom one is married to or is in a romantic relationship with
hayat arkadaşı
a couple who are very affectionate and show their love for each other
aşk kuşları
one's partner, wife, or husband with whom one has a long-term sexual or romantic relationship
hayat arkadaşı
the date on which a special event happened in a previous year
a state of great sorrow and sadness caused by the ending of a romantic relationship or the death of a loved one
kırık kalp
a time that is arranged to meet a person with whom one is in a relationship or is likely to be in the future
romantik buluşma
someone or something that is visually attractive but may not have much substance or depth
göze hoş gelen kişi veya şey
a young attractive man who is considered to be the perfect boyfriend or husband
beyaz atlı prens
a romantic, often secret relationship between two people who love one another but are not married to each other
gönül oyunu, aşk macerası
a powerful and intense emotion or feeling toward something or someone, often driving one's actions or beliefs
tutku, düşkünlük
a young person's strong, yet brief feeling of love toward someone
gençlik sevdası
a love letter that a person sends to their beloved on Valentine's Day, sometimes without signing it
sevgililer günü mektubu
to invite someone on a date, particularly a romantic one
çıkma teklif etmek
to regularly spend time with a person that one likes and has a sexual or romantic relationship with
romantik bir ilişkisi olmak
to try to make someone love one, especially for marriage
evlenmeye ikna etmek
to have a brief sexual relationship with a person
cinsel ilişki yaşamak
to be romantically or sexually attracted to a person that one is not in a relationship with
abayı yakmak
a bruise left on a person's skin, especially their neck, as a result of a passionate kiss or bite by their lover
öpücük sonrası cilt üzerinde kalan kızarıklık