Музика - Музичні п'єси
Тут ви дізнаєтесь деякі англійські слова, пов’язані з музичними творами, такими як «концерт», «соната» та «ноктюрн».
a musical composition that is written for one or more solo instruments and accompanied by an orchestra with three movements

концерт, концертна композиція

a musical piece written for seven singers or instruments

септет, музичний твір для семи виконавців

a piece of music written for and performed by ten musicians with individual parts or voices

декет, музичний декет

a musical composition with an improvised style that does not have a fixed form

фантазія, фантазія

dynamic marking indicating that a passage should be played loudly or with strong intensity

форте, форт (динаміка)

a classical piece of music with one or two simple repeated themes that develop into a polyphonic pattern which is more sophisticated

фуга, музична фуга

a musical piece in duple or quadruple rhythm that is written to accompany or suggest marching

марш, військовий марш

an instrumental composition that is written for organ, played during or after a religious service


a musical piece or poem appropriate to or influenced by the dawn or early morning


a polyphonic composition in which each singer or instrument takes turn in repeating the theme melody after a given duration

канон, пісня в багатоголосся

a musical composition resembling or including a harmonized Lutheran hymn or psalm

хор, пісня

a written piece of music marked by significant size and sophistication

композиція, музичний твір

a piece of instrumental music with light character in various movements, usually written for a small orchestra


an instrumental composition that is usually short and is intended for practice or demonstration of a skill


a piece of music in moderately quick 4/4 time intended for a French dance popular in the 18th century


a short instrumental piece that is performed between the acts of an opera or other musical performance

інтермецо, антракт

a musical piece that is intended to be performed at a very slow tempo and in a serious manner


a piece of music set to a formal couple dance marked with triple time rhythm, toe pointing and bowing, popular in the 17th and 18th centuries


a religious ceremony that includes a choral composition with multiple voices and instruments, based on religious texts

меса, релігійна меса

a set of musical pieces that are performed or sung successively in a continuous tune

медлі, попурі

a romantic or dreamy composition written for the piano, dealing with night or evening

ноктюрн, нічна композиція

a musical piece or collection that is written by a famous composer followed by the date in which it was created

опус, твір

a lengthy musical composition with a religious theme based on the Bible written for orchestra, choirs and singers without using costumes, action, or any scenery

ораторія, релігійна ораторія

a piece of traditional Indian music marked by intervals and melodic patterns, used for improvisation

рага, індійська мелодія

an instrumental composition marked with irregular form and improvisation, expressing strong emotions


a light and short instrumental piece of music in rapid triple time that is usually part of a symphony or sonata

скерцо, скерцо (музичний твір)

a short and particular piece of music associated with a specific program or performer

підписна мелодія, фірмова мелодія

a musical composition for a solo instrument, typically accompanied by piano, in 3 or 4 movements of contrasting keys


a musical composition that is specifically written for two violins, a viola, and a cello, and typically consists of four movements

струнний квартет, квартет струнних інструментів

a long and sophisticated musical composition written for a large orchestra, in three or four movements


a piece of music in one movement that is intended for symphony orchestra, telling a story or describing a place or an idea

симфонічна поема, музична поема

a piece of music traditionally played during a wedding ceremony

весільний марш, марш на весіллі

an instrumental musical composition of the 17th or 18th centuries consisting of a series of related keys or a modern rendition of this in several movements

сюїта, музична сюїта

a short performance that is presented between two longer pieces

інтерлюдія, перерва

a written or printed version of a musical composition consisting of all the vocal and instrumental sections

нота, музична партитура

a composition for piano and orchestra, featuring a solo piano part with orchestral accompaniment

концерт для фортепіано, фортепіанний концерт

a musical composition typically from the Baroque period, featuring a small group of solo instruments contrasted with a larger ensemble

концертó гроссо

a piece of dance music in slow duple rhythm from southern Europe that became popular in England in the 16th century, couples danced to this in elegant attire


music that is intended for a stately Spanish dance in slow triple time with accent on the second beat, popular in the 17th and 18th centuries

сарабанда, танець сарабанда