
Sách Insight - Cao cấp - Kiến Thức Từ Vựng 10

Tại đây, bạn sẽ tìm thấy các từ trong Từ vựng Insight 10 trong giáo trình Insight Advanced, chẳng hạn như "đa ngôn ngữ", "ngoài trái đất", "theo trình tự thời gian", v.v.


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Insight - Advanced

used to refer to multiple or various aspects or instances of a particular thing



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a clinic or medical center that is not part of a hospital, where a wide variety of diseases and injuries are treated

phòng khám đa khoa

phòng khám đa khoa

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(geometry) a flat shape consisting of three or more straight sides

viết nhiều thứ tiếng

viết nhiều thứ tiếng

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(of a word) having multiple syllables, or specifically, having more than two syllables

đa âm tiết

đa âm tiết

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the belief in or worship of multiple gods or deities

thờ nhiều vị thần

thờ nhiều vị thần

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a person who can speak or understand multiple languages

người nói nhiều thứ tiếng

người nói nhiều thứ tiếng

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used to indicate something additional or beyond the usual



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an entity or being originating from or existing outside Earth, commonly associated with the concept of intelligent life on other planets

người ngoài hành tinh

người ngoài hành tinh

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used to indicate the relationship or interaction between two or more things or people

chôn cất

chôn cất

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used to indicate something on a very small scale or at a microscopic level

vi mô

vi mô

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a tiny living thing, like bacteria or fungi, that can only be seen using a microscope

vi sinh vật

vi sinh vật

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used to refer to something that is large-scale

vĩ mô

vĩ mô

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relating to the study or analysis of the overall economy, including aspects such as national income, inflation, employment, and economic growth

kinh tế vĩ mô

kinh tế vĩ mô

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used to indicate a relation to time or its order

đồng hồ bấm giờ

đồng hồ bấm giờ

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organized according to the order that the events occurred in

theo niên đại

theo niên đại

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used to indicate something new, revived, or modern



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the study of working with incredibly tiny materials and devices to create new technologies and applications

công nghệ nano

công nghệ nano

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used to convey the idea of encompassing or involving a wide range of things or areas



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a disease that spreads across a large region or even across the world

dịch bệnh

dịch bệnh

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used to indicate the presence of two of something, or that something has two parts or aspects



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involving or relating to two sides or parties

song phương

song phương

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used to refer to something from the past or in a style that reminds people of an earlier time

cổ điển

cổ điển

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applied or taken effect from a past date or event

hồi tố

hồi tố

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relating to the study of how the mind processes language, combining psychology and linguistics

tâm lý học

tâm lý học

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referring to processes or substances related to the chemical reactions that occur within living organisms

sinh hóa

sinh hóa

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related to the social and cultural aspects of a society, emphasizing the influence of social factors, norms, and cultural practices on individuals and communities

văn hóa xã hội

văn hóa xã hội

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related to the influence and interactions of geographical factors on political decisions, relationships, and strategies among nations

địa chính trị

địa chính trị

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pertaining to the design of small electronic components, circuits, and systems that enable the creation of compact and high-performing electronic devices

vi điện tử

vi điện tử

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a straight line with one endpoint that extends infinitely in the other direction



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(geometry) a round object that every point on its surface has the same distance from its center

hình cầu

hình cầu

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(geometry) a curved shape or design that gradually winds around a center or axis

đường xoắn ốc

đường xoắn ốc

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(geometry) a figure with four sides and two opposite angles more than 90° and two of less than 90°

hình thoi

hình thoi

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(geometry) a three dimensional shape with a circular base that rises to a single point

hình nón

hình nón

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a figure, either hollow or solid, with six equal square sides

cục có hình khối

cục có hình khối

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a curved shape with narrow points at the ends that appears wider in the middle, like the shape of the moon in its first and last quarters

hình lưỡi liềm

hình lưỡi liềm

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the length of a straight line drawn from the center of a circle to any point on its outer boundary

xương cánh tay

xương cánh tay

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(geometry) a part of a circle, which is curved

cung (hình học)

cung (hình học)

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(geometry) a closed plane curve that has two focal points

hình bầu dục

hình bầu dục

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(mathematics) the ratio of the opposite to the adjacent side of a triangle that has one angle of 90°

đường tiếp tuyến

đường tiếp tuyến

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(geometry) a solid or hollow shape with two circular bases at each end and straight parallel sides

hình trụ

hình trụ

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green light

approval to begin a project

sự chấp thuận (để bắt đầu một cái gì đó)

sự chấp thuận (để bắt đầu một cái gì đó)

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relating to jobs or workers who engage in manual labor or skilled trades

cổ xanh

cổ xanh

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relating to jobs or workers who perform professional, managerial, or administrative tasks, typically in office settings

cổ trắng

cổ trắng

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in the red

in debt due to spending more than one's earnings

trong cuộc khủng hoảng ngân sách

trong cuộc khủng hoảng ngân sách

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golden years

a period of time in which someone no longer works due to old age

thời gian nghỉ hưu

thời gian nghỉ hưu

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gray area

a situation that is hard to define or categorize and therefore unclear

vấn đề chưa được giải quyết

vấn đề chưa được giải quyết

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out of the blue

without warning, prior notice, or expectation

một cách bất ngờ

một cách bất ngờ

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red tape

official procedures or rules that are unnecessary and time-consuming

thủ tục chính thức của cái gì đó

thủ tục chính thức của cái gì đó

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white flag

a universal symbol of surrender or truce, used to indicate the intention to cease fighting or negotiate peace

cờ trắng

cờ trắng

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purple patch

a period marked by good luck or success

vá màu tím

vá màu tím

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with flying colours

with great distinction or excellence

với màu sắc bay bổng

với màu sắc bay bổng

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