
Các Động Từ Cụm Sử Dụng 'On' & 'Upon' - Lừa dối, làm hại hoặc đối xử tệ (Bật)


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Phrasal Verbs With 'On' & 'Upon'
to cheat on

to have a secret romantic or sexual relationship with someone other than one's own partner

phản bội ai đó

phản bội ai đó

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[Động từ]
to grate on

to continually annoy or irritate someone

[Động từ]
to jump on

to harshly criticize someone for their actions

[Động từ]
to lead on

to intentionally deceive someone by making them believe something that is not true

lừa dối ai đó

lừa dối ai đó

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[Động từ]
to pick on

to keep treating someone unfairly or making unfair remarks about them

[Động từ]
to pike on

to disappoint someone by not fulfilling a commitment or promise

làm ai đó thất vọng

làm ai đó thất vọng

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[Động từ]
to play on

to take advantage of someone's feelings or weaknesses

[Động từ]
to prey on

to take advantage of those who are vulnerable or easily fooled

[Động từ]
to round on

to suddenly confront, attack, or shout angrily at someone

[Động từ]
to set on

to attack someone aggressively, either physically or verbally

xúi giục

xúi giục

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[Động từ]
to turn on

to become unfriendly or hostile toward someone or something

[Động từ]
to weigh on

to cause worry or unhappiness due to a problem or responsibility

[Động từ]
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