Cụm động từ sử dụng 'Quay lại', 'Qua', 'Với', 'Tại' và 'By' - Trải nghiệm hoặc thực hiện một hành động (Với)
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Đố vui
to end one's romantic relationship with someone
kết thúc mối quan hệ với
to briefly consider or show a passing interest in an idea or concept
tán tỉnh với (một ý tưởng)
to stop something from continuing, happening, or succeeding as it was supposed to
can thiệp vào
to get involved with something or someone, often dangerous, in a way that might lead to problems or harm
liên quan đến
to give away, sell, or let go of something reluctantly
chia tay với
to consider an idea or possibility without fully committing to it
chơi với
to persist in doing a plan, idea, or course of action over time
duy trì
to believe that something is morally right or acceptable
đồng ý với
to take the necessary action regarding someone or something specific, especially as a part of your job
giải quyết
to hold or express a different opinion, viewpoint, or belief than someone else
không đồng ý với
to attempt to deal with a challenging or difficult situation or problem
vật lộn với
to be completely honest with someone, even if the truth is difficult or unpleasant
thành thật với
to accept or adapt to a difficult or challenging situation
sống chung với
(of ideas, proposals, or actions) to experience a certain reaction or response
gặp gỡ
to talk to someone to convince them to act or think more rationally
thuyết phục
to provide someone with a generous amount of a particular thing
tưới đẫm bằng
to support a person or group against someone else in a fight or argument
đứng về phía
to spend time with someone, especially for social or casual reasons