related to a system where resources are collectively owned and distributed equally among citizens


related to or characteristic of nationalism, an ideology that prioritizes the interests and unity of a particular nation


relating to an authoritarian and nationalistic political ideology that seeks centralized control and suppresses opposition


relating to an ideology or political system advocating for the collective ownership of property and the absence of social classes


related to or characteristic of an economic system where private ownership, profit-making, and market competition are central


related to or characteristic of a system of government where power comes from the people through free elections and respects individual rights


related to or characteristic of a political ideology that emphasizes individual freedoms, equality, and government intervention for social welfare and economic opportunity

自由主义的, 进步的

related to a political ideology or party that typically supports limited government, free-market principles, and conservative social values

共和的, 保守的

related to the influence and interactions of geographical factors on political decisions, relationships, and strategies among nations


(of a person or system) enforcing strict obedience to authority at the expense of individual freedom

威权的, 专制的

relating to or in accordance with the rules laid out in a constitution, which is a set of fundamental laws for a country or organization

宪法的, 与宪法相关的

associated with the role or actions of a president, such as decisions, behaviors, or policies

总统的, 与总统相关的

related to voting, elections, or the process of choosing representatives through voting mechanisms

选举的, 与选举相关的

displaying support and favoritism toward a party or cause, usually without giving it much thought

党派的, 偏见的

involving the cooperation or agreement of two political parties, especially those usually opposed to each other, to achieve a common goal or outcome

两党合作的, 跨党派的

related to the work of keeping or creating friendly relationships between countries


relating to a system or regime that exercises complete control over its citizens' lives, often suppressing opposition and freedom of expression

极权主义的, 极权主义政权的

relating to a position or process that involves being chosen by voting or selection, rather than through inheritance or appointment

选举的, 投票的