an area of land characterized by its soil, water, and vegetation, where the water table is at or near the surface for a significant part of the year

湿地, 水域土地

the existence of a range of different plants and animals in a natural environment


the process of replanting trees in an area where forest cover has been depleted or removed, aiming to restore or create a forest ecosystem


an area for birds and animals to live and to be protected from dangerous conditions and being hunted

圣所, 自然保护区

the increase in the average temperature of the Earth as a result of the greenhouse effect

全球变暖, 地球平均温度的上升

the amount of carbon dioxide that an organization or person releases into the atmosphere

碳足迹, 碳排放量

a global problem that is caused by the increase of harmful gases such as carbon dioxide which results in gradual warming of the earth

温室效应, 全球变暖

someone who makes efforts to protect the environment and wildlife from any type of harm

保护主义者, 环境保护者

tourism that includes visiting endangered natural environments which aims at preservation of the wildlife and the nature

生态旅游, 环保旅游

a person who is concerned with the environment and tries to protect it

环保主义者, 环境保护者

the detrimental increase in water temperature caused by the discharge of heated water from human activities, often harming aquatic ecosystems

热污染, 热度污染