Another and yet another are used a lot. Commonly English learners misuse them. But let us solve the problem.

"Another" vs. "Yet Another" in the English Grammar

What Are Their Main Differences?

'Another' is used when we want to add one thing to one thing else or to a short list.
'Yet another' is used to add one thing to a long list that was mentioned before. That is why it implies an irritating feeling.


Meanings and Goals

  • 'Another':

adds no emphasis. It just adds a new option to a short list or to one thing that was mentioned before or even a new one that was not mentioned earlier.

They ordered another plate of chicken.

I studied the first grade in another school.

  • 'Yet another':

adds an emphasis on the existence of more of the things that were mentioned earlier. Usually, it adds one more option to a long list of things that have been mentioned before.

We have yet another article to read before the big exam.

There is yet another bridge to go over.

Grammatical Functions

  • 'Another':

can be a determiner and pronoun, while yet another is a determiner. It means that we can use 'another' whether before a singular noun or alone with no nouns immediately after it, while 'yet another' is used only before nouns.

My grandmother is beautiful and let me tell you another fact. She is extremely kind. →determiner

We can go out, play tennis, watch movies, cook dinner together, and there is yet another possibility to babysit my annoying brother. →determiner


  • 'Another' and 'yet another':

are followed by singular nouns. As you might have understood from the previous examples.

We took yet another trip before leaving the country.

She opened another bottle of wine to celebrate her birthday.


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