It is usually correct to use both, ‘each’ or ‘every’, but they have slightly different meanings.

"Each" vs. "Every" in the English Grammar

What Are Their Differences?

'Each' is used when we are thinking about the people or things in a group individually, one by one.
'Every' is used when we are thinking about the whole group of people or things with no exceptions.


Grammatical Functions

  • 'Each':
  1. As a determiner
  2. As a pronoun
  3. As an adverb

'Each' as a determiner is used before singular countable nouns to modify them. As a pronoun, it is used alone without any nouns afterward. 'Each' as an adverb, is used before adjectives or adverbs to modify them.

His uncle carried two bags in each hand. → determiner

We each paid our own money. → pronoun

The socks cost 30$ each. → adverb

  • 'Every':
  • As a determiner:

'Every' as a determiner, is always used before a singular countable noun.

I enjoyed every minute with him. → determiner

Each One and Everyone

'Each one' can be used instead of [ each + singular noun] whenever the noun has been mentioned earlier. Remember, in this case, the words 'each' and 'one' are used as two separate terms. 'Everyone' is used to refer to all the individuals in a group. Remember, in this case, 'everyone' is used as a single term.

There are five books on the shelves. Each one has its own story.

Everyone in this class likes Hanna.


How to Use 'Every' and 'Each' with a Plural Pronoun or Noun

  • 'Each' and 'every':

is followed by of before a plural pronoun or noun. However, we use a singular verb even in this structure. 'Every' cannot be followed by of immediately, but we can use every one of them the general structure is: [ every + number + of plural noun/plural pronoun]. However, we use a singular verb even in this structure.

Each of them is put in its own place.

Every one of them is going to try on the shoes.

Singular or Plural Nouns

  • 'Each' and 'every':

both are followed by a singular countable noun.

I read each article in the essay. They were all wonderful. → determiner

Every doctor is a hero who deserves respect. → determiner

Events That Happen Regularly

Sometimes 'every' can be used before some singular nouns without any number and it means that the action happens regularly. Check out the example for more clarification.

I used to go to English class every Thursday.

Following Verbs

  • 'Each' and 'every':

are followed by a singular verb. It means that we cannot use verbs that we use for plural pronouns with 'each' and 'every.' This is because 'each' and 'every' are singular.

Each player tries for the team.

Every family has their own rules.


'Every' and 'each' are usually used with singular determiners or pronouns, but we can use singular (they, them, their, theirs) with them.

Each human should live their life without damaging others.


'Each' and 'every,' both are quantifiers. Quantifiers are words that refer to a number or an amount. In this case, 'each' and 'every' both refer to a number.

Each student is supposed to get a B in this test, to pass the exam.

She knows every street of Italy.


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