Other and others have a delicate difference that is easy to understand within a context.

"Other" vs. "Others" in the English Grammar

What Are Their Main Differences?

Others is only used as a pronoun. But 'other' has different grammatical functions. On the other hand, 'others' refers to more than one; while 'other' refers to only one thing.


Grammatical Functions

  • 'Other':
  1. As a determiner
  2. As a pronoun

As a determiner, 'other' is used before uncountable and plural countable nouns. As a pronoun, 'other' is used alone with no nouns immediately after it.

Other girls are taller than I am. → determiner

Look at those cakes. One is big and pink, the other is small and blue. → pronoun

  • 'Others':
  1. As a pronoun

As you might have noticed, the term 'others' includes a 'plural s' at the end that making it easy to understand that it refers to more than one thing or person. 'Others' is not followed by any nouns immediately so, it is a pronoun.

I am the only person who truly cares about my grandmother. Others are just pretending. → pronoun

Singular or Plural Nouns?

  • 'Other':

is followed by a plural countable noun or a singular uncountable noun.

A kangaroo holds its baby in its marsupium, while other animals don't. → determiner

This one is made of 80% plastic, but the other clothes are made of cotton. → determiner

  • 'Others':

is not followed by any nouns.

Others cannot decide for your life. → pronoun

Others do not have the right to tease you. → pronoun


Grammatical Functions

  • 'Other' and 'others':

both can be used as pronouns alone without any nouns immediately after them.

I like this shirt more than the other. → pronoun

She blamed others for the accident. → Pronoun


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