Articles related to "in"



In is used before nouns or noun phrases to show time, place and manner.

In or At The Beginning

You want to refer to the start of an action or event, but you're uncertain if you should say in the beginning or at the beginning?


On, In, or At The Beach

You enjoyed some time near the sea and the beach, and now you are uncertain if it is 'on the beach,' 'in the beach,' or 'at the beach?'


In vs. At

'In' and 'at' are prepositions that are used for showing time. In this lesson, we will learn their uses and differences.


In vs. Within

We use both in and within to identify that an object is inside something else. However, there are differences among them which we will learn in this article.


In or At The Office

Have you ever wondered if you should use 'in the office' or 'at the office' to refer to your presence? We will learn more about them in this lesson.


At or In University

'At university' and 'in university' are used in the English language but which one should be used and when to use each one of them.



'In' is a preposition. It has many functions, such as expressing time, place, and manner. In this lesson, we will examine them in detail.


In or At The End

Everything comes to an end but how do you say it? Is it 'in the end' or 'at the end'? We will learn more about them in this lesson.


On or In The Internet

Internet is an inseparable part of our lives, and we always refer to its data. But how can we talk about them? Do we use 'in the internet' or 'on the internet'?


On or In The Train

Are you confused if you are 'on the train' or 'in the train'? Check out this lesson to learn which one you should use?


On or In Vacation

Have you spent your free time well? But how can you refer to it? Is it 'on' or 'in vacation'? Find out in this lesson!


Prepositions of Manner

Prepositions of Manner which is also called Prepositions of Method express how a certain thing happens or is done. In this part, we will discuss them.


On time vs. In time

This time, we're gonna delve into more grammatically confusing words. I'm pretty sure you've heard them before. Wanna come in? Join me.


Into vs. In to

Let's work on some confusing grammatical pairs. If you're still interested in expanding your knowledge and improving your language proficiency, join me.


Expressing Time

Expressing time is not just about time and numbers. In this lesson, we will learn how to tell time and learn more about it.


Prepositions of Place

Prepositions allow us to talk about the relationship between two words in a sentence. Here, we will discuss the different prepositions of place in English.


In vs. Into

'In' and 'into' are prepositions that may confuse learners. In this lesson, we will learn when to use each of them.


In or At School

Have you ever been confused about if you should use 'in school' or 'at school'? We will find out which is correct in this lesson.


On vs. In

'On' and 'in' are both prepositions that show time which is why they are confused by learners. In this lesson, we will learn their uses and differences.


On or In Month

Do you want to refer to a specific date? Is it 'in month' or 'on month'? In this lesson, we will learn which is correct.


Prepositions of Time

Prepositions allow us to talk about the relationship between two words in a sentence. Here, we will discuss the different prepositions of time in English.


On or In The Picture

Have you ever wondered how to talk about the contents of a photo? In this lesson, we will learn how to say it.

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