Essential Vocabulary for the GRE - Certainty & Likelihood
Here you will learn some English words about doubt and certainty, such as "halting", "cinch", "robust", etc. that are needed for the GRE exam.
not firmly established or decided, with the possibility of changes in the future
used to say that the something is believed to be true based on available information or evidence
an estimation that points out the validity of something without sufficient evidence to confirm it
a guess that is made according to one's experience or knowledge thus is more likely to be true
to inspect something closely to ensure accuracy, quality, or its overall condition
used to say that something is true according to what people say, although it is uncertain
to allow or wait for a situation to become calmer or more stable after a significant change or serious dispute
something that is assumed to be true or already decided upon before any evidence or arguments are presented
to check the accuracy or validity of something by using alternative sources or methods