
C2 Level Wordlist - Request and Answer

Here you will learn all the essential words for talking about Request and Answer, collected specifically for level C2 learners.









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CEFR C2 Vocabulary
to beseech

to sincerely and desperately ask for something

to impetrate

to earnestly request or obtain something through prayer, entreaty, or supplication

to supplicate

to make a request or prayer for something, particularly in an earnest and humble manner

to query

to ask questions in order to seek information or clarification

to insinuate

to suggest something in an indirect manner

to postulate

to suggest or assume the existence or truth of something as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or belief

to stipulate

to specify that something needs to be done or how it should be done, especially as part of an agreement

to implore

to earnestly and desperately beg for something

to catechize

to ask someone questions in a formal way

to retort

to reply quickly and sharply, often in a clever or aggressive manner

to grill

to ask a lot of challenging and persistent questions to get information or clarification

to rejoin

to respond to someone often in a witty, angry, or disapproving manner

to pester

to annoy someone repeatedly by making persistent requests

to importune

to request something in an annoyingly persistent way

to interpellate

to formally question someone, especially in a legal or parliamentary context

to field

to answer questions or deal with requests

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