C2 Level Wordlist - Preparing Food
Here you will learn all the essential words for talking about Preparing Food, collected specifically for level C2 learners.
to briefly immerse food in boiling water, often followed by rapid cooling, to preserve color, remove skin, or prepare for freezing
to heat a liquid, especially milk or water until it boils or gets close to that degree
to dissolve and loosen cooked food particles from the bottom of a pan by adding liquid, often wine, broth, or stock, during cooking
to introduce air into a substance, typically a liquid or soil, to improve its texture, taste, or overall quality
to prepare or cut a piece of meat or fish into boneless, flat pieces, typically removing bones in the process
to cook food at a low temperature with a small amount of liquid in a closed container
to allow a food ingredient, such as gelatin or yeast, to absorb liquid and soften or expand