C2 Level Wordlist - Relationship Dynamics and Connections
Here you will learn all the essential words for talking about Relationship Dynamics and Connections, collected specifically for level C2 learners.
a violent argument between two groups in which members of each side make attempts to murder the members of the opposing side in retaliation for things that occurred in the past
an end to a friendly relationship between people or organizations caused by a serious disagreement
a family in which the parents live with the children from their own relationship along with the children from previous ones
the recorded ancestry or lineage of individuals, typically in the context of their descendants tracing back to a common ancestor
a woman who agrees to carry and take the responsibility of another couple's child
a person from whom one inherits DNA and is directly responsible for their birth
the act of running away with one's lover to get married without the consent of parents
the period of time when two people are getting to know each other romantically with the intention of getting married
a temporary and intense feeling of romantic or idealized attraction toward someone, often based on superficial qualities and lacking a deep emotional connection
to gradually become less close or connected, often due to a lack of shared interests or diverging paths