
500 أكثر الأفعال الإنجليزية شيوعاً - أعلى 276 - 300 فعل

هنا يتم تزويدك بالجزء 12 من قائمة الأفعال الأكثر شيوعاً في اللغة الإنجليزية مثل "clean" و"feed" و"beg".




بطاقات الفلاش




اختبار قصير

ابدأ التعلم
Most Common Verbs in English Vocabulary
to achieve

to finally accomplish a desired goal after dealing with many difficulties

تحقيق, إنجاز

تحقيق, إنجاز

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to clean

to make something have no bacteria, marks, or dirt

تنظيف, تعقيم

تنظيف, تعقيم

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to feed

to give food to a person or an animal

إطعام, تغذية

إطعام, تغذية

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to injure

to physically cause harm to a person or thing

يؤذي, يجرح

يؤذي, يجرح

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to steal

to take something from someone or somewhere without permission or paying for it

سرق, نهب

سرق, نهب

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to record

to store information in a way that can be used in the future

تسجيل, تحقيق

تسجيل, تحقيق

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to beg

to humbly ask for something, especially when one needs or desires that thing a lot

يتسول, يتضرع

يتسول, يتضرع

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to fire

to shoot a bullet, shell, etc. from a weapon

إطلاق النار, رمي

إطلاق النار, رمي

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to inspire

to fill someone with the desire or motivation to do something, especially something creative or positive

يُلْهِمُ, يُحَفِّزُ

يُلْهِمُ, يُحَفِّزُ

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to thank

to show gratitude to someone for what they have done

شكر, يرد الجميل

شكر, يرد الجميل

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to combine

to mix in order to make a single unit

يجمع, يمزج

يجمع, يمزج

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to blow

to exhale forcefully through the mouth

نفخ, زفير

نفخ, زفير

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to apologize

to tell a person that one is sorry for having done something wrong

يعتذر, يتأسف

يعتذر, يتأسف

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to promise

to tell someone that one will do something or that a particular event will happen

وعد, تعهد

وعد, تعهد

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to collect

to gather together things from different places or people

جمع, تحصيل

جمع, تحصيل

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to publish

to produce a newspaper, book, etc. for the public to purchase

نشر, طبّع

نشر, طبّع

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to lay

to carefully place something or someone down in a horizontal position

يضع, يضع في وضع أفقي

يضع, يضع في وضع أفقي

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to arrive

to reach a location, particularly as an end to a journey

وصل, بلغ

وصل, بلغ

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to scream

to make a loud, sharp cry when one is feeling a strong emotion

يصرخ, يصيح

يصرخ, يصيح

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to surround

to be around something on all sides

يحيط, يحيط به

يحيط, يحيط به

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to decrease

to become less in amount, size, or degree

تنخفض, تقل

تنخفض, تقل

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to earn

to get money for the job that we do or services that we provide

كسب, حقّق

كسب, حقّق

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to marry

to become someone's husband or wife

تزوّج, عقد قران

تزوّج, عقد قران

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to forgive

to stop being angry or blaming someone for what they have done, and to choose not to punish them for their mistakes or flaws

يغفر, يصفح

يغفر, يصفح

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to search

to try to find something or someone by carefully looking or investigating

بحث, تحقق

بحث, تحقق

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