
وصف الأشخاص - الصحة

استكشف المصطلحات الإنجليزية المتعلقة بالصحة، بما في ذلك "آمن وسليم" و"في الشكل".




بطاقات الفلاش


اختبار قصير

ابدأ التعلم
English idioms used to Describe People
safe and sound

not damaged or injured in any way

(as) healthy as a horse

used to describe someone that is in a prime state of health or physical stability

(as) right as rain

used to suggest that someone or something has fully recovered or is in good working condition

(as) strong as an ox

used to refer to someone with an immense amount of strength

in the pink of condition

(of a person) in a very healthy physical state

up and about

used to refer to someone who has recovered from an illness or injury and is no longer in bed

in shape

(of a person) having a healthy or fit body

on one's feet

in good health after a period of illness or injury

(as) good as gold

(of a person) having good health or positive outlook on life

on the mend

used to refer to someone who is starting to get or feel better after a period of illness or injury

rosy about the gills

healthy or cheerful in appearance

to regain one's feet

to manage to stand upright after taking a fall or being knocked down

beauty sleep

the sleep that is believed to be necessary for maintaining one's physical appearance and overall health

نوم الجمال, نوم مثالي

نوم الجمال, نوم مثالي

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