التدريب العام لاختبار IELTS (النطاق 8 وما فوق) - الطعام و الشراب
هنا، سوف تتعلم بعض الكلمات الإنجليزية المتعلقة بالأطعمة والمشروبات اللازمة لامتحان IELTS للتدريب العام.
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
food that contains little or no artificial substance and is considered healthy
الأطعمة الكاملة, الطعام الصحي
a dish of small amount eaten before the main part of a meal, originated in Italy
مقبلات, أنتيباستو
a light refreshment or snack, typically enjoyed around 11 a.m., often consisting of tea or coffee accompanied by biscuits, pastries, or similar small treats
وجبة خفيفة في الساعة 11, تحلية الواحدة عشرة
a junior chef learning and assisting in the kitchen under experienced chefs
كوميس, مساعد طباخ
a cooking technique that involves slow cooking meat in fat at a low temperature, resulting in tender and flavorful meat
a type of diet in which one avoids eating processed food to become healthier
الأكل النظيف, الغذاء الصحي
a combination of either pickles, vegetables, spices, and herbs, that is used as condiment
تشاتني, صلصة
someone who enjoys and knows about food and wine very much
ذواقة, أديب الطهي
a storage room for alcoholic beverages, primarily wine and ale, and sometimes provisions, including food
حجرة تخزين, مخزن المشروبات
a cooking method that involves exposing food to heat, often over a fire or under a grill
شوي, قلي
having to do with the preparation, cooking, or presentation of food