a geographic area that is under the control or influence of a particular entity, such as a nation, ruler, or organization

ডোমেন, অঞ্চল

the state of having superiority over another party in terms of power, knowledge, influence, etc.

প্রাধান্য, অধিকার

to have control over something such as a behavior or situation

অত্যাচার করা, নিয়ন্ত্রণ করা

to rule over people without considering their feelings or opinions

প্রাধান্য করা, শাসন করা

one's facial features or expressions, especially when they are used to reveal some other characteristics

চেহারা, মুখের বৈশিষ্ট্য

the field of science that studies the function or interactions among organisms


to cause or encourage someone or something to act in a specified manner

উজ্জীবিত করা, উৎসাহিত করা

something that triggers a reaction in various areas like psychology or physiology

উদ্দীপক, উদ্দীপনা

to figure out or establish something through logical analysis or reasoning

উৎপন্ন করা, নিষ্কর্ষ বের করা

resembling or imitating a previous work, often in a way that lacks originality

উৎপন্ন, অনুকরণকারী