an order from authority that forbids a person or a group of people from doing something

interdikce, zákaz

to change or manipulate a text by adding new material

interpolovat, manipulovat textem přidáním nového materiálu

to find out the cause of a problem or disease that a person has by examining the symptoms

diagnostikovat, určovat

the identification of the nature and cause of an illness or other problem

diagnóza, diagnostika

the use of a group of words or sounds that are thought to have a magical effect


to pass through a small space between objects or a gap in a surface

pronikat, propouštět

having small openings that allow different materials to pass through

prů permeabilní, porézní

to give a calming substance to a person or animal, often for medical reasons or to reduce anxiety

sedi akce, uklidnit

(of a job or lifestyle) including a lot of sitting and very little physical activity


particles of solid material that settle at the bottom of a liquid

usazenina, sediment

the act of rebellion or resistance against established authority, typically through speech or conduct
