
Kniha Interchange - Vyšší středně pokročilý - Lekce 6 - 2. část

Zde najdete slovní zásobu z Unit 6 - Part 2 v učebnici Interchange Upper-Intermediate, jako je "anekdota", "stained", "dent" atd.









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Interchange - Upper-intermediate

(of a person or thing) harmed or spoiled

poškozený, zkoušený

poškozený, zkoušený

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[Přídavné jméno]
to chip

to break a small piece off something

odlamovat, štípat

odlamovat, štípat

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marked or discolored by a substance that is difficult to remove

skvrnitý, zabarvený

skvrnitý, zabarvený

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[Přídavné jméno]
to scratch

to make small cuts or marks on a surface

škrábat, řezat

škrábat, řezat

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an empty space in the body or surface of something solid

díra, otvor

díra, otvor

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to tear

to forcibly pull something apart into pieces

trhat, roztrhnout

trhat, roztrhnout

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to break

to separate something into more pieces, often in a sudden way

zlomit, rozbít

zlomit, rozbít

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to crack

to break on the surface without falling into separate pieces

prasknout, trhnout

prasknout, trhnout

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to dent

make a hollow in a surface, usually by applying pressure or force

dents, vdělat důlek

dents, vdělat důlek

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to adjust

to slightly alter or move something in order to improve it or make it work better

upravit, nastavit

upravit, nastavit

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to stick

to fix an object to another, usually with glue or another similar substance

přilepit, upevnit

přilepit, upevnit

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to crash

to suddenly experience a significant failure or halt in a system, process, or operation

zhroucení, selhání

zhroucení, selhání

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to skip

to not do an activity on purpose, particularly one that one is supposed to do or usually does

vynechat, opomenout

vynechat, opomenout

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to freeze

to become hard or turn to ice because of reaching or going below 0° Celsius

zamrzat, zmrazit

zamrzat, zmrazit

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to die

to no longer be alive

zemřít, umřít

zemřít, umřít

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to jam

to forcibly push or cram something into a tight or confined space

natlačit, nacpat

natlačit, nacpat

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to drop

to let or make something fall to the ground

pustit, nechat spadnout

pustit, nechat spadnout

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used by or belonging to only a particular individual, group, institution, etc.

soukromý, osobní

soukromý, osobní

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[Přídavné jméno]
to confirm

to show or say that something is the case, particularly by providing proof

potvrdit, ověřit

potvrdit, ověřit

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to spot

to notice or see someone or something that is hard to do so

spatřit, zjistit

spatřit, zjistit

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to alert

to warn someone of a possible danger, problem, or situation that requires their attention

upozornit, varovat

upozornit, varovat

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the act of stopping or ending an event, service, agreement, or order that was previously planned or arranged

zrušení, anulace

zrušení, anulace

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[Podstatné jméno]
to realize

to have a sudden or complete understanding of a fact or situation

uvědomit si, realizovat

uvědomit si, realizovat

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a person or thing's condition at a particular time

stav, podmínka

stav, podmínka

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a plan or timetable outlining the sequence of events or activities

rozvrh, kalendář

rozvrh, kalendář

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the money that is paid to a professional or an organization for their services

poplatek, honorář

poplatek, honorář

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someone traveling in a vehicle, aircraft, ship, etc. who is not the pilot, driver, or a crew member

cestující, cestující

cestující, cestující

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the state or process of losing a person or thing

ztráta, úbytek

ztráta, úbytek

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someone who works for a company, representing the company's product

zástupce, reprezentant

zástupce, reprezentant

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a set of ideas or a plan of action that has been chosen officially by a group of people, an organization, a political party, etc.

politika, strategie

politika, strategie

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the act of officially informing someone about something, usually in writing

oznámení, vyrozumění

oznámení, vyrozumění

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a short interesting story about a real event or person, often biographical



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the act of taking notice of someone or something



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