
Slovesa Průběhu Událostí - Slovesa pro pokračování a přerušení

Zde se naučíte některá anglická slovesa odkazující na pokračování a přerušení, jako je „pause“, „go on“ a „resume“.









Začněte se učit
Categorized English Verbs Denoting Course of Events
to stick to

to continue doing something even though there are some hardships

pevně v něco věřit

pevně v něco věřit

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to keep to

to follow through with what one has promised, planned, or committed to do

držet se

držet se

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to stick with

to persist in doing a plan, idea, or course of action over time



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to push on

to persistently continue doing something or move forward

to go along

to continue to develop or happen

pokračování v něčem

pokračování v něčem

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to go forward

to continue or make progress in a particular course of action

Jdi dopředu

Jdi dopředu

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to keep at

to continue working on a task, project, or goal without giving up

to carry on

to keep something ongoing or unchanged over a period of time



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to drag on

to continue for an extended or tedious period, often with no clear resolution or conclusion

to resume

to continue again after an interruption



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to recommence

to start again from where something left off

znovu začít

znovu začít

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to get back to

to start again after taking a break or discontinuing an activity for a while

to pause

to briefly stop a particular thing such as process before carrying on

dělat pauzu

dělat pauzu

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to interrupt

to stop or pause a process, activity, etc. temporarily



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to adjourn

to stop a meeting, trial, or game in order to resume it sometime later



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to put in

to interrupt someone to say something

přerušit někoho

přerušit někoho

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to suspend

to temporarily put on hold a process or habit



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to barge in

to interrupt a conversation abruptly and without invitation

vplout dovnitř

vplout dovnitř

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to continue

to not stop something, such as a task or activity, and keep doing it

pokračování v něčem

pokračování v něčem

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to go on

to continue without stopping

pokračování v něčem

pokračování v něčem

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to perpetuate

to make something, typically a problem or an undesirable situation, continue for an extended or prolonged period



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to keep on

to continue an action or state without interruption

to go ahead

to initiate an action or task, particularly when someone has granted permission or in spite of doubts or opposition

začít něco dělat

začít něco dělat

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to cut in

to interrupt someone's conversation

přerušit někoho

přerušit někoho

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to break in

to start to speak in the middle of a conversation

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