
Akademický IELTS (Pásmo 6-7) - Cestování a turismus

Zde se naučíte některá anglická slova související s cestováním a cestovním ruchem, která jsou nezbytná pro zkoušku Academic IELTS.









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Vocabulary for Academic IELTS (6-7)

the renting of a plane, ship, etc.

čarter, pronájem

čarter, pronájem

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a place or building that provides cheap food and accommodations for visitors

hostel, ubytovna

hostel, ubytovna

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a series of rooms, particularly in a hotel

apartmá, suite

apartmá, suite

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a part of an airport or terminal that passengers go through to get on or off a plane, train, or bus

brána, východ

brána, východ

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a journey, typically for observing and photographing wild animals in their natural habitat, especially in African countries

safari, výlet

safari, výlet

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a short trip taken for pleasure, particularly one arranged for a group of people

exkurze, výlet

exkurze, výlet

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an outdoor space with facilities for camping, such as tent or RV sites, and amenities like toilets and fire pits

kemp, kempovací místo

kemp, kempovací místo

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a place or building that is historically important

památka, historická budova

památka, historická budova

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a trip that has been organized for a particular purpose such as a scientific or military one or for exploration

expedice, výprava

expedice, výprava

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a long journey taken on a ship or spacecraft

cesta, expedice

cesta, expedice

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a plan of the route and the places that one will visit on a journey

itinerář, cestovní plán

itinerář, cestovní plán

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a person employed by a travel agency to help and look after the tourists

kurýr, cestovní agent

kurýr, cestovní agent

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a bag designed for carrying on the back, usually used by those who go hiking or climbing

batoh, základní batoh

batoh, základní batoh

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a small hotel, especially located in the countryside

hostinec, pension

hostinec, pension

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a person who is on vacation or holiday, typically traveling away from home for leisure or relaxation

turista, odpočívající

turista, odpočívající

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[Podstatné jméno]
to explore

to visit places one has never seen before

zkoumat, navštívit

zkoumat, navštívit

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to navigate

to travel across or on an area of water by a ship or boat

navigovat, proplout

navigovat, proplout

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to depart

to leave a location, particularly to go on a trip or journey

odjet, odejít

odjet, odejít

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to cruise

to go on vacation by a ship or boat

plavit se, vyrazit na plavbu

plavit se, vyrazit na plavbu

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to sail

to travel on water using the power of wind or an engine

plout, plavit se

plout, plavit se

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to camp

to make a temporary home or shelter, usually outdoors or in the wild



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to backpack

to hike or travel carrying one's clothes, etc. in a backpack

putovat s batohem, tábořit s batohem

putovat s batohem, tábořit s batohem

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to lay over

to temporary stop or pause during a journey

mezi přistání, zastavit se

mezi přistání, zastavit se

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to hitchhike

to travel by getting free rides in passing vehicles, typically by standing at the side of the road and signaling drivers to stop

stopovat, cestovat na vlastní pěst

stopovat, cestovat na vlastní pěst

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to embark

to board a plane or ship



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to disembark

(off passengers) to get off a plane, train, or ship once it has reached its destination

vystoupit, vylodit se (z dopravního prostředku)

vystoupit, vylodit se (z dopravního prostředku)

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to traverse

to travel or move across or through in a specified direction

přejít, procházet

přejít, procházet

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to compass

to travel or navigate around something in a circular course

obtočit, obejít

obtočit, obejít

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