Humanitní Vědy SAT - Bydlení a rekreace
Zde se naučíte některá anglická slova související s pobytem a rekreací, jako je „manor“, „dweller“, „nomadic“ atd., která budete potřebovat, abyste zvládli své SAT.
any quality that makes a place more pleasant, comfortable, or joyful

pohodlí, vymoženost

a large house in the countryside encircled with an area of land

panský dům, sídelní dům

living accommodations, often within a larger building, used by individuals or groups, such as military personnel or employees

ubytování, čtvrtě

a long, narrow, single-room building traditionally used as a communal living space by various indigenous peoples

dlouhý dům

the process of making a new place as permanent residence by people

osídlení, usazení

a location or circumstance that offers protection and safety

útočiště, přístřeší

an area of land set aside by the government for the use of a particular group, often Native American tribes

rezervace, ochranná oblast

a place or experience that provides a refreshing escape or relief from a challenging or stressful situation

oáza, útočiště

a place or a building is designed and equipped for a specific function, such as healthcare, education, etc.

zařízení, instituce

a person or animal that resides in a particular place or habitat

obyvatel, bydlící

a round hall or building that often has a rounded roof as well

rotunda, kulatá hala

a secluded place where one can retreat for privacy and solitude

úkryt, útočiště

a private place where one can retreat for peace and solitude

sanctum, útočiště

the process or action of making a building or a piece of furniture look good again by repairing or painting it

renovace, obnova

a large dining area where meals are served, typically in a military or institutional setting

jídelna, kantýna

a shared toilet, typically in a camp, military, or outdoor setting

latrina, sdílené WC

the act of taking a property of high value such as a piece of land or a building away from a person

vydědění, zbavení majetku

to make a room or building look more attractive by repairing, redecorating, or cleaning it

renovovat, obnovit

to settle on a piece of land with the intent of establishing a permanent residence, often under a government-granted right

usadit se, osídlit

referring to the lifestyle of constantly traveling from place to place, with individuals or groups never staying in one location for an extended period of time


not able to be reached or entered, usually due to obstacles or restrictions


richly luxurious and sensually appealing, often in terms of furnishings and decor

luxusní, opulentní

a place, activity, etc. that is interesting and enjoyable to the public

atrakce, zajímavost

an enjoyable activity that a person does regularly in their free time

koníček, zábava

a short trip taken for pleasure, particularly one arranged for a group of people

exkurze, výlet

things done in one's free time for pleasure or enjoyment

volnočasové aktivity, rekreace

the activity of visiting interesting places in a particular location as a tourist

turistika, prohlídka

a plan of the route and the places that one will visit on a journey

itinerář, cestovní plán

a planned trip made for enjoyment, adventure, or exploration

expedice, výprava

to travel extensively and visit various places around the world

cestovat po světě, putovat po světě