
Conocimiento y Sabiduría - Importancia de la cautela

Sumérgete en proverbios ingleses que describen la importancia de la cautela, como "una puerta postiza hace ladrón" y "hablar descuidadamente cuesta vidas".




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children and fools must not play with edged tools

used to caution against engaging in activities or using tools that could be dangerous, particularly for individuals who lack experience or knowledge

above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it

used to emphasize that it is important to protect one's thoughts and emotions, as they have a powerful influence on one's actions and behavior

Por encima de todo, guarda tu corazón, porque todo lo que haces fluye de él.

Por encima de todo, guarda tu corazón, porque todo lo que haces fluye de él.

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better go about than fall into the ditch

used to emphasize that it is better to take a longer or more circuitous route if it reduces the risk of danger or failure

Mejor andar que caer en la zanja

Mejor andar que caer en la zanja

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careless talk costs lives

used to caution against speaking without proper consideration or caution, particularly in situations where the stakes are high or the consequences of one's words could be serious

hablar descuidadamente cuesta vidas

hablar descuidadamente cuesta vidas

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discretion is the better part of valor

used to suggest that sometimes it may be wiser to exercise caution and avoid a potentially risky or dangerous situation, even if it may seem less courageous or brave to do so

una retirada a tiempo es una victoria

una retirada a tiempo es una victoria

a live dog is better than a dead lion

used to suggest that it is better to be humble and appreciate the gift of life, than to pursue fame or power at the cost of one's own well-being or life

Un perro vivo es mejor que un león muerto.

Un perro vivo es mejor que un león muerto.

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a postern door makes a thief

used to caution against creating opportunities for wrongdoing or crime, as even an honest person may be tempted to engage in wrongdoing if an opportunity presents itself

una puerta poterna hace un ladrón

una puerta poterna hace un ladrón

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an ounce of discretion is worth a pound of wit

used to suggest that it is often better to be cautious and use good judgment, than to rely solely on one's wit or cleverness

Una onza de discreción vale más que una libra de ingenio.

Una onza de discreción vale más que una libra de ingenio.

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fast bind, fast find

used to imply that by securing or organizing something well, it will be easier to find or retrieve when needed

enlace rápido, búsqueda rápida

enlace rápido, búsqueda rápida

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good swimmers are often drowned

used to warn against overconfidence, suggesting that even those who are skilled or experienced can still experience failure or harm

Los buenos nadadores a menudo se ahogan.

Los buenos nadadores a menudo se ahogan.

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it is the pace that kills

used to suggest that it is often the speed or intensity of one's actions that can lead to failure or harm

the highest branch is not the safest roost

used to caution against blindly pursuing the most prestigious or desirable option, without considering the potential risks or drawbacks

la rama más alta no es el refugio más seguro

la rama más alta no es el refugio más seguro

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those who play at bowls, must look out for rubbers

used to emphasize the importance of being prepared because even if one is skilled or experienced in a particular activity, unexpected challenges or obstacles may still arise

Quienes juegan a los bolos, deben tener cuidado con las gomas.

Quienes juegan a los bolos, deben tener cuidado con las gomas.

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though honey is sweet, do not lick it off a briar

used to emphasize the importance of considering the potential harm or danger associated with something attractive or tempting

Aunque la miel es dulce, no la lamas de un zarzo.

Aunque la miel es dulce, no la lamas de un zarzo.

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the only free cheese is in the mousetrap

used to warn that there is often a hidden cost or risk associated with something that appears to be free or easy to obtain

el único queso gratis está en la ratonera

el único queso gratis está en la ratonera

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words must be weighed, not counted

used to emphasize that it is more important to consider the meaning and impact of what is being said, rather than simply focusing on the number of words being used

Las palabras deben ser sopesadas, no contadas.

Las palabras deben ser sopesadas, no contadas.

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to mention rope in the house of a man who has been hanged

used to advise individuals to avoid certain topics or words in sensitive situations, showing respect for others' feelings and experiences

mencionan cuerda en la casa de un hombre que ha sido ahorcado

mencionan cuerda en la casa de un hombre que ha sido ahorcado

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not shit where you eat

used to advise people to avoid doing things that could have negative consequences on their current situation or environment, particularly in the workplace or personal relationships

No jodas donde comes

No jodas donde comes

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if you cannot be good, be careful

used to say that if someone cannot behave or act in an ethical manner, they should at least be cautious and take steps to minimize the negative consequences of their actions

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