Verbos de Movimiento - Verbos para movimiento no humano
Aquí aprenderás algunos verbos en inglés que se refieren a movimientos no humanos como "rise", "slither" y "orbit".
Tarjetas de memoria
(of birds) to rise or ascend to an elevated position
elevarse, ascender
(of a spacecraft or aircraft) to leave the ground, particularly vertically
to turn or move around an axis or center
revolucionar, girar alrededor de
to move in a twisting or whirling motion, creating a pattern of circular or spiral motion
remolinear, vortexar
to rotate or spin around an axis or center point
dar la vuelta a
to move or extend in a continuous and widening circular pattern
espirar, enroscado
to bounce back after hitting a surface
rebotar, rebotar hacia atrás
to spring back from an impact by bouncing off a surface at an angle
rebotar, rebotar en
to move rapidly back and forth or up and down with small movements
vibrar, temblar
to move down on something or someone with a sudden, swift action, typically with the intention of seizing or capturing
salir, atacar
to move swiftly through the air, generating a whistling or buzzing sound
zumbir, silbar
to emerge or come up to the top layer of a liquid or material
surgir, aflorar
to descend quickly and suddenly, often used to describe the action of birds or aircraft
descender rápidamente, lanzarse