Bewegungsverben - Verben für nichtmenschliche Bewegung
Hier lernen Sie einige englische Verben, die sich auf nichtmenschliche Bewegungen beziehen, wie „rise“, „slither“ und „orbit“.
(of birds) to rise or ascend to an elevated position
emporsteigen, ansteigen
(of a spacecraft or aircraft) to leave the ground, particularly vertically
starten, abheben
to move in a twisting or whirling motion, creating a pattern of circular or spiral motion
wirbeln, drehen
to move or extend in a continuous and widening circular pattern
spiralisieren, drehen
to spring back from an impact by bouncing off a surface at an angle
abprallen, aufprallen
to move rapidly back and forth or up and down with small movements
vibrieren, zittern
to move down on something or someone with a sudden, swift action, typically with the intention of seizing or capturing
springen auf, angreifen
to move swiftly through the air, generating a whistling or buzzing sound
sausen, fetzen
to emerge or come up to the top layer of a liquid or material
auftauchen, an die Oberfläche kommen
(of a train) to accidentally go off the tracks
entgleisen, von den Schienen abkommen
to descend quickly and suddenly, often used to describe the action of birds or aircraft
herabstürzen, schnell herabkommen