فهرست واژگان سطح A2 - حروف ربط و حروف اضافه
در اینجا برخی از حروف ربط و حروف اضافه انگلیسی مانند "برای"، "از آنجایی" و "اکنون" را که برای زبان آموزان A2 آماده شده است، یاد خواهید گرفت.
املای کلمه
used for introducing a word, phrase, or idea that is different to what has already been said
used to say that something happening, existing, etc. depends on another thing happening, existing, etc.
used to say that something is happening at the same time with another
درحالی که, زمانی که
used to summarize or draw a conclusion based on previous information or to provide a logical inference
بنابراین, به همین خاطر
from a time in the past until a particular time, typically the present
از آن زمان
used to indicate a result or outcome related to what has just been said or happened
حالا که
used to say that something will happen, when another thing has been concluded
بعد از اینکه
used to express that something happens at the same time or right after another thing
بهمحض اینکه, از وقتی که
used to say something surprising compared to the main idea
با اینکه, با وجود اینکه، گرچه
used to add a statement that is surprising compared to what has just been said
با وجود همه اینها, با این حال
used to indicate that two things happen at the same time or during something else
زمانی که, درحالی که
used to introduce a statement that is true for one thing and false for another
در حالی که
used to express that something happens continuously from the beginning to the end of a period of time
در طول, طی، حین
used to show that something continues or lasts up to a specific point in time and often not happening or existing after that time
used for showing the place where a person or thing comes from
از (اشاره به مبدأ مکانی)
used to indicate someone's or something's ownership or relation to a thing or person
[نشان مالکیت و تعلق]
used to indicate movement or passage from one side or end to the other
از میان, از وسط
used to indicate an exception or exclusion from something or someone
بهغیر از, بهجز
used to indicate that something is located on every side of a person or thing
used to indicate that something or someone is located in, happening within, or moving into the inner part of something
داخل, درون
used to indicate who is supposed to have or use something or where something is intended to be put
used to express the matters that relate to a specific person or thing
درباره, درمورد
used to add a second part to a comparison
نسبت به (هنگام مقایسه), از (هنگام مقایسه)
used to indicate that something or someone shares the same qualities or features to another