واژگان ضروری برای آزمون SAT - اصطلاحات مفید
در اینجا چند اصطلاح انگلیسی مفید مانند «خم شده»، «حفظ درست»، «مرز نهایی» و غیره را یاد میگیرید که برای ACE SATهای خود به آنها نیاز دارید.
املای کلمه
to not appreciate a person or thing because one thinks one will never lose them

قدر کسی یا چیزی را ندانستن
to fail to deal with all aspects of a problem, topic, etc.

(به موضوع یا مشکلی) بهطور کامل نپرداختن, به صورت اجمالی بررسی کردن، به بخش کوچکی از یک مشکل رسیدگی کردن، جستهگریخته به چیزی پرداختن
to create a situation in which it is easier for one to do something or for something to happen

مسیر را هموار کردن (برای اتفاق افتادن چیزی), راه را آسان کردن (برای رسیدن به هدفی)
constantly paying attention to a person or thing to prevent a problem, danger, etc.

گوشبهزنگ, حواسجمع، مراقب
to benefit from two opposing or contradictory situations or options at the same time
to expand one's knowledge, experiences, or perspectives, often by exploring new places, ideas, or cultures, with the aim of gaining a broader understanding of the world

دید کسی را باز کردن
to do something too earlier than its right time

شتابزده عمل کردن, زودتر از موعود عمل کردن
used to indicate that after a key event, the following developments are well-known or self-explanatory
to be placed in a less important or weaker position compared to that of someone else

در جایگاه کماهمیتتری قرار داشتن
to experience a period of financial or personal difficulty

دستتنگ بودن, با مشکل مالی مواجه بودن
a significant difference between two things, often in a disappointing or unfavorable way

تفاوت فاحش, تفاوت بارز
to twist and rub one's hands together out of distress or worry

دستهای خود را به هم مالیدن
to get or do what one wants despite the odds or other people's desires

کار خود را کردن, حرف خود را به کرسی نشاندن
to enjoy or use something as much or as often as one can

از چیزی نهایت استفاده را کردن
used to refer to someone who has become more comfortable or confident in conversing with people

ازلاک خودبیرونآمده
in a similar or identical situation to someone else, particularly a difficult or unpleasant one

جای کسی بودن
the limits of human knowledge or understanding, representing areas that remain unknown or unexplored
in a sudden and unexpected manner, emphasizing the element of surprise

ناگهان, از هیچ

to be wise enough to avoid certain behaviors or thoughts

خوب دانستن, بیشتر (از این حرفها) آگاه یا عاقل بودن
to feel relief or relaxation because a period of worry, stress, or anticipation has passed
a point in a person's life or a situation where they must make a critical decision or choose between two different options or paths
in a way that goes unnoticed or avoids attracting any attention

بدون جلب توجه, نادیده گرفته شده
(with reference to two things) in contrast to each other instead of correspondence

در تضاد
to use something for personal gain in an unfair or dishonest manner
the obvious meaning or worth of something, without looking deeper

ارزش اسمی, ظاهر ارزش

to make unfavorable remarks about someone

درباره کسی بد گفتن
to do something without real interest, feeling, or effort

بدون اشتیاق یا تعهد کاری را انجام دادن
to have a significant impact or influence on something

تأثیر بسزایی داشتن
a point at which a drastic change occurs in a situation, especially one that makes it improve

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