Verbes d'Action Manuelle - Verbes pour utiliser les doigts et la paume
Ici, vous apprendrez quelques verbes anglais faisant référence à l'utilisation des doigts et de la paume, tels que « clap », « massage » et « point ».
to touch or handle something using the fingers

toucher du doigt, manipuler avec les doigts

to strike the palms of one's hands together forcefully, usually to show appreciation or to attract attention

frapper dans ses mains
to hit someone or something with an open hand, usually making a sharp sound

gifler, claquer

to apply pressure to a surface with back and forth or circular motions

frotter, badigeonner

to press or rub a part of a person's body, typically with the hands, to make them feel refreshed

to touch or handle something in a restless, absentminded, or often playful manner

fouiller, tripoter

to move or play with something in a nervous or absentminded manner

fidgeter, tourbillonner

to play with or handle something in a restless or idle manner, often with slight, repetitive movements

jouer avec, tripoter

to stretch one's hand or arm to touch, take, or connect with something or someone

tendre la main, approcher

to stretch upwards and bring something down from a higher level

tendre la main pour prendre, descendre (quelque chose) d'un endroit élevé

to show the place or direction of someone or something by holding out a finger or an object

montrer (du doigt), indiquer
to tightly grip and squeeze something, particularly someone's flesh, between one's fingers

pincer, serrer

to lightly touch or stroke a sensitive part of the body, causing a tingling or laughing sensation

chatouiller, titiller

to hit a door, surface, etc. in a way to attract attention, especially expecting it to be opened

frapper, taper
to rub a person's or one's own skin to relieve an itching sensation, particularly with one's fingernails

gratter, érafler