Ρήματα Χειρονακτικής Δράσης - Ρήματα για τη χρήση των δακτύλων και της παλάμης
Εδώ θα μάθετε μερικά αγγλικά ρήματα που αναφέρονται στη χρήση των δακτύλων και της παλάμης, όπως "clap", "massage" και "point".
to strike the palms of one's hands together forcefully, usually to show appreciation or to attract attention
to press or rub a part of a person's body, typically with the hands, to make them feel refreshed
to play with or handle something in a restless or idle manner, often with slight, repetitive movements
to show the place or direction of someone or something by holding out a finger or an object
to tightly grip and squeeze something, particularly someone's flesh, between one's fingers
to lightly touch or stroke a sensitive part of the body, causing a tingling or laughing sensation
to hit a door, surface, etc. in a way to attract attention, especially expecting it to be opened