बी2 स्तर की शब्द सूची - पौधे
यहां आप पौधों के बारे में कुछ अंग्रेजी शब्द सीखेंगे, जैसे "रूट", "बुश", "आइवी", आदि जो बी2 सीखने वालों के लिए तैयार किए गए हैं।
समीक्षा करें
the underground part of a plant that absorbs water and minerals, sending it to other parts


a type of forest tree native to Europe and parts of Asia, known for its tall, straight trunk and compound leaves

ऐश, सफेद शहतूत

any type of plant with leaves that remain green throughout the year

चिरस्थायी वृक्ष, हरित वृक्ष

a type of evergreen climbing plant with dark green leaves, often used for decorative purposes

बढ़ती बेल

a type of tree that grows near water, with thin leaves which can be used for making baskets

बिड़, साल

a type of tree that grows near water with long branches and leaves reaching to the ground

गिलास रोने वाला, रोने वाली वृक्ष

(of a plant) to bear flowers, especially flowers that are not fully open

फूलना, खिलना

the main part of a plant that connects the roots to the twigs, leaves, and flowers

डंठल, तना

a type of flower which grows on the surface of lakes with white or pink petals

कमल, कमल का फूल