the text of a musical play, an opera, or other extended vocal works

लिब्रेटो, ओपेरा की पाठ्य सामग्री

a guiding principle, intended to provide moral guidance or a basis for behavior

आदर्श, सूत्र

a point where two or more lines, edges, or rays meet to form an angle, or the point at which the sides of a polygon intersect

शिखर, कोण बिंदु

a dramatic scene or picture, often presented on stage or in a performance

चित्र, दृश्य

small seeds of a large crop that grows in warm regions, used to feed birds or make flour

बाजरा, दाने

(biology) a gap, opening, or passage in anatomical structures, often between different parts or organs

हायटस, रूखा

a person appointed to govern a state, province, or colony as the representative of a monarch in the monarch's absence, minority, or incapacity

अधिपति, राज्यपाल

a person who is useful for nothing and spends resources wastefully

बेरोज़गार, बर्बाद करने वाला

an individual or entity of immense size, influence, or importance, often symbolizing dominance or grandeur

कोलोसोस, gigantesque

a person's appearance or manner, especially as an indication of their character or mood

रूप, व्यवहार

the resources or activities upon which an individual or household depends for their sustenance and survival

जीविका, आजीविका